Digital Pathology
Excilone solutions for Digital Histo-Pathology (Virtual Pathology) allow for the high resolution scanning, slide management and the sharing of virtual slides (non-treated, immunofluorescence and FISH).
Access and management of slides is very simple with the ability to share files remotely between peers: tele-pathology, collaborative research projects or educative program.
Quantification of biomarkers by image analysis for prognosis and research purposes is also possible with our software solutions using customisable image selection.
PathScan Mini
Brightfield scanner
PathScan® Brightfield slide scanners designed for digital pathology offer fast, flexible and reliable acquisition, navigation, analysis, archiving and transfer of high quality digital images.
PathScan FISH
FISH scanner
PathScan® FISH is a valuable support for target therapy as well thanks to its dedicated analysis modules: HER-2 FISH, ALK FISH and translocations, FISH spot counting.
PathScan Combi
brightfield & FISH scanner
PathScan® Combi is a brightfield and fluorescence slide scanner for digital pathology and FISH analysis